1/ Gold and silver move down, (1180 - 24), then spike to new highs (1650 - 55), in late April. Then Rangebound without even profit taking for some unexplained reason till late June. Then set at 6000 - 600 in August - see below.
Copper moves 25% higher on Chinese demands then drops dramatically at years end.
Calls for OPEC increases in supply will fall on deaf ears as the oil producers are buying PM's quietly.
China increase demand 0.5 mil/day.
Oil moves to $120/barrel by mid-summer even after the President opens up the reserves.
Oil drops back to $75 by years end after economy collapses and demand drops also.
{With the resigning of ME Oil contracts with China; WTI, Bakken, Alaskan NS and other US Oil will move to $180/barrel in mid-2011. Full blown depression then.}
2/ Gas and Food prices, (which experienced a 7% increase in 2010), move steadily higher at a 1%/month until July when they move to nearly 2%/month. The CPI lie is exposed, QE2 is fingered and the Bernank is let go in early August. (Timmy G had already resigned.)
Interest rates are increased progressively throughout the year starting in April.
House prices crash on higher mortage rates, ARM resets, and increased foreclosure supply.
3/ Foreign treasury buyers continue to pull out in increasing numbers.
Municipal Bond auctions are reported to be bought by the FED and no one else.
China exits US treasuries and leads the set up of a new reserve currency.
4/EU splits essentially north south in May. Ireland goes it alone right off the batt.
Then in August the Southern EU returns to individual nation status.
5/Fed reacts by increasing Dollar printing.
President Obama signs a Presidential order, (later known as the August surprise as a joke), setting price controls and fixing exchange rates and PM prices.
6/US Depression is now understood as having arrived.
7/CNBC program is cancelled.
Nader is let go.
Chinese led MARS MISSION 2022 is announced.
70% of democratic nations have replaced their leaders by end of 2012.
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