Monday, June 27, 2011

Silver increases make no - sense

Gold is up a few percent, along with platinum. Silver is up something like 33% since the end of '10, but gold etc were much less: ONLY Ag is going up like this. Either all the other metals have to follow (and destroy the dollar, US economic system, and cause world war along with it), OR silver's price is OUT OF CONTROL, due to investment/manipulation or whatever. Gold is manipulated also but it's not doing this. Like 1980, it could be a person or bank trying to set something up. The G/S ratio could be part of this, since supposedly "recent historic averages" are more like 50:1-60:1, not 34:1.

So, 1) don't buy into this upswing (it's hard and I almost did it- but so far haven't. Did I lose, or will there be a VERY LARGE CORRECTION, as seen often enough before?)... we likely will see this due to silver's notorious volatility, so I'm not buying- unless everything- all PMs and commodities etc, go the same way, meaning the end of the US, which will pull down the world with it- meaning the end of the world. I believe the dollar will zero, but present PM values (except Ag) don't support this right now. Thus, 2) try to swap Ag for Au. This ratio is so different, and has no real reason, so why not make a swap for something that ISN'T volatile?

All information comes with no guarantee.

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